AHS Region One Popularity Poll
AHS Popularity Poll Each year, AHS members in Region 1 are requested by our Regional Publicity Director, currently Steve Horan of Woodbury (MN), to complete and return a Popularity Poll questionnaire
indicating which of some 80 or so listed cultivars are their garden favorites. Each member may vote for up to 10 cultivars that may also include his/her write-in candidates. Participation in this year's Pop Poll was particularly strong, and Steve is pleased to announce that the 2016 winning cultivar is 'Primal Scream' (Hansen-C., 1994).
Recently, we instituted a Hall of Fame for Region One to honor winners of our annual Pop Polls. Listed below are the winners since 2012, who share a place in our Region One Hall of Fame. 2016: 'Primal Scream' (Hansen-C., 1994) |